
The HomoSapein

This story I wrote when I was 15. Inspired by history and science, I made my foray into a true blue science fiction .

A brief review:

From the past to the Future. The story of the greatest survival. A man blessed to live as long as his desire or till the end of mankind. So what if the desire never ends? Unleashing Wildest instincts and fathomless power , the evil mind sets to conquer one tribe after the other, one civilization after the other for hundreds of years until in the year 1015 A.D ,he encounters resistance. Another man who can match his strength , his power and fight the strike from capturing his land. A bloody battle envisages for six long years until the two men are wounded to the extent that they lose all power and strength . Both retreat into a sort of temporary dead state and wait until the day one will rise to finish the other.

And the wait ends in the year 2021 A.D. A futuristic city built over the land where once the battle was fought a thousand years ago. A group of youngsters uncover one of the man from the past in a state reduced to a mere skeleton. After the initial shock , amazement and confusion ,the two guys (both students of Bio-technology )decide to bring the body back to life as they discover the man’s heart and brain still intact!Hi-tech technology, medical science, DNA advancement : the science of the future succeeds in bringing a man from the past back to life after giving him a new structure ,a new look and a new face.

Comical and humorous situations develop as the guys try to train the Man to cope with the life of the future. Perfectly trained the Man called Mr. X learns to dine, drink, play screen games, ride bikes and drive fast cars- he becomes the Tech- savvy man of the Future.The story takes a high tide as the city witnesses a spate of mysterious murders, mass killings, accidents and it becomes a nightmare to even walk on the streets. The police are clueless . The Wild Man has arisen !Mr. X has a memory that dates back to the 11th century and he is the one who recognizes his last rival. The fight to the finish starts as the true homosapiens vow to end the thousand year old battle.

The thriller of all thrillers begins till an enthralling climax which promises a scope for a sequel.

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