
The StoryTeller

They called me the 'Storyteller'.
My friends, foes , teachers, peers, colleagues and strangers.
Perhaps they were right.

Writing a Brand New Story ...

'An American Rendezvous: Palmetto Heat, Pendleton Street and a Dream Pursuit.'
This is an unforgettable and real life account of my journey through America and back.
This is special in every way.

The story is divided into five parts.

Part One : The Dream begins
Part Two : Palmetto Heat
Part Three : Pendleton Street
Part Four : The Pursuit
Part Five : A Stranger from my Land.

"The Dream Begins" and "The Palmetto Heat" have been released.
Find out what readers have to say about it on the What Readers Write blog.

The Story So Far...

I have been writing stories or you can say 'mixing fact with fiction' since I was ten.
In between, these years, there came and went, many a small tales. Unwritten.Just Imagined.Some of those stories were lost. Lost in translation. Lost in absolution.
Following are some of the stories that cover my pursuit till here. The 'literary' pursuit.

  • The Vision
  • The Homosapien
  • The Screaming Winds
  • The Love Wave Rising
  • The Sons of the Soil
  • The Grand Sahara
  • The End of Beginning.
The posts below are all about them, some anecdotes and brief reviews.


"The Love Wave Rising"

Love story? Yes. Inspired ? Yes. True? No, yes, maybe....actually not.

Initally titled "Long lost love" , this story was a huge hit in my travelled far and wide , on campus and off campus and was the most widely read .
Recieved some amazing reviews from some die-hard romantics to non-romantics and not-so-romantics alike .

It remains close to my heart till today !

Here's an interesting review by one of the 'not-so-romantic' reader who later changed his status !

Well this is one interesting and involving mint fresh journey into the domain of everyone’s heart and soul.
Jasraj a student giving his final year graduate exams in the city of Bangalore finds himself in a precarious situation when he fails to rise from his overwhelming and recurring dreams. Unable to control them he decides to embark on a journey to search the cause behind his dreams and his failure. A girl named Jasmine whom he liked when he was just in eighth standard! And to make things more crazy and amusing is that he doesn’t know in which part of this mad big world she stays. whether living, married or dead is a question for the fools!

So read as the passion overcomes every obstacle as Jasraj travels empty-handed and full-hearted. Trot half the globe with him or take a ride on the wave of love which rises above you and consumes every bit of you only to leave you drenched with desire and passion . New Delhi, London, Spain ,Berlin ,Moscow. Sarah ,Jessica , Olivia ..jasmine?
Beautiful places and even more beautiful people that he comes across only exemplify the universal theme.

This is a page turner stuff where you find Jasraj befriending an English girl Sarah out to avenge her heartbreak and how a strange relationship develops between them leading to complex matters of the heart as they travel together ; Jasraj to find his love; Sarah to search the man who ditched her for a Russian girl.
More events galore.. as the wave rises further and the passion grows even more stronger…its unstoppable till the very last page !
Its full of shock and surprises. Sumran naturally lends an air of desperation and unleashes his bag of emotions , values, dreams, relationships across the barrier of regions,languages,colour. All at the right time at the perfect moment and keeps the rhythm and pace alive with his Chemistry kicking!
Very intense ,emotional, engrossing , passionate moments that leave one sighing deeply!
Does he find Jasmine?
Well ...
Keep guessing till the very last! "

"The End Of Beginning"

Let me not say anything about it. Here is what a reader found out :

This one is a cobweb. And very strong one. there is no exit once you get into it and you never know how and when you get in. each page has a new character , a new turn and a new plot until all boil down to a single object. Mind-blowing. Literally.
Raj , a dancer in shimla who wants to excel and become Bollywood’s greatest choreographer so he quits his timber trader father’s huge property and promises his childhood friend Rashi that he would marry her once he realizes his dream.
Deepak, an auto mechanic and motor race lover wants to win a car rally to silence his critics- his mother and Deepti ,whom he likes but she is proud of her voice and wants to be recognized as a great singer.
Arjun Pandey flees the inhospitable confines of a steel factory in Bihar from his slave hood to earn a respectable life and money so that he can marry his love Madhu who is also a bonded laborer.
Aryan Shah, son of business tycoon Kabir Shah , returns to India to control the reins and also to host the great Millennium show in Delhi in which he wants to show his musical play. Raj and Deepti have to give their performances for the same show.
Then there is Jyoti, a middle class innocent and lonely girl who is forced an alliance with Rohit , the boy next door charming fellow, but she refuses and flees her home to commit suicide but is rescued by Aryan Shah whose instincts tell him that she is the girl he had been looking for his musical play. Complex? Well that’s just the beginning . Of the End of Beginning! "

"The Grand Sahara"

One of my extravagant tales, this one was very difficult to write. My visit to the Bakhra Dam when I was 10 years old kid was the inspiration behind this gigantic tale , which I wrote almost 10 years on .

And it sticks to its theme to the last word!
Rajvendar Raj is a Power Project Head to the Indian Government .He is called the “Hydro-Power Man of India” because he is the pioneer of modern hydroelectric power generating projects of Indian subcontinent .
Power crises in India are still a cause of concern and he has a vision and a dream to make every village ,every home free of darkness. So he formats a plan . Almost after 8 years of research ,he comes up with a solution to bring relief to entire North India from problems of recurring floods ,irrigation and electricity .

Lake Sahara (fictional) located on the Himalayas at Himachal-Uttranchal Border holds the potential for the Highest Hydel power station. The project proposition is sent to the Indian Govt but it runs into trouble from the day its get the nod . First the local inhabitants refuse to part with their land , then political upheavals at the Centre prolong the start of work for 2 long years and later Leading environmentalist and human rights activist Mira Deshmukh wages a 5 year long battle against its construction along with the support of the locals and many NGOs.

The battle goes legal and the court announces the verdict in Rajvendra Raj’s favour . But the work is still not done .
The construction work is stalled many times and approximately 1lakh workers are put to task to make the biggest and highest ever Dam of India at the most toughest conditions. Nearly 150 workers lose their life. More than 200 are crippled and there is widespread agitations, Dharnas, strikes and rallies all over the country spearheaded by Mira Deshmukh who ironically happens to be Rajvendra’s daughter in law.
The whole conflict results in Mira’s divorce with Rajvendra’s son, Yashwant who is incidentally the chief civil engineer of this project. Mira has to part with their 4 year old son Ansh when divorce court announces Ansh to stay with his Father Yashwant.
But Rajvendar’s dream is far above these personnel problems. He has a greater task to do to put India on the Power Map. And his dream is realized after 7 long years when the longest, biggest and highest Dam of Asia “The Grand Sahara” is inaugurated by the President .
The turbines and the machines rotate as the water gushes down and the power generated illuminates every nook and corner of North India!

Shaheen Tariq, a famous novelist, is interested in writing a Biography on Rajvendar and she reaches those heights to interview him who now has become a sort of an icon. She chronicles his life and the success story and unravels The Grand Sahara. Her book is a bestseller.
A multipurpose dam that claims to solve the flood ,draught ,water and electricity problem hosts a grand carnival to celebrate its success. Leading companies ,geologists, architects, civil engineers from around the world conglomerate to research Rajvendra and his son ‘s master creation. Many schools organize an educational trip for students. Its party time at “The Grand Sahara”.But that's where the Story boils up and the real heat begins. Shaheen Tariq is abducted by ISI agents and they have a dangerous purpose to do that.
They conceive vital information from her !
They want to blow up the Dam!
Meanwhile , there is an Emergency meeting at the Government level when an American MNC researching the landscape around the Dam approaches for it.
The Panic button is pushed on!

Their report reveals that the Dam is located at the most strategic seismic epicenters of Asia and an earthquake measuring 6 or more on the Richter Scale can make it go down and drown the whole of Himachal, Haryana ,the Capital City and parts of Rajasthan! The Govt wants a probe into it but The MNC suggests immediate action to prevent the worst calamity.
But the time has come!
Taking advantage of the Celebrations that are undergoing at the Dam site, The ISI agents work their way into the Dam and load it with explosives at prominent locations. Their master plan is to slowly disintegrate the whole structure and then blow up into pieces.
Of course Rajvendra is unaware of this as he is busy giving interviews while Yashwant sees his son Ansh around the big thing.
Govt orders war scale measures to built banks of sand along the length of river Sahara and Yamuna. They cant imagine Delhi drowned!
And they cant force damn 1000 odd Grand Sahara employees out, neither can it stop the carnival nor the panic….
The tremors have started…2,3,5 on the Richter scale…there are landslides around the region.. Rain is heavy…the lake is rising ….the ISI pushes its first explosion..

It cannot be bigger than this ….as the last and most moving and
‘thrill with a chill’ part of the story begins…
That has to be read and understood to be believed. Its highly absorbing and as mind shattering and thought provoking as it could get.
The hot debatable theme is transformed into a classic story and much more enlightening is the message it gives and the signals it sends.

" The Sons of the Soil "

The idea behind this story was partly influenced by socio-political changes developing around me as I grew up from a child to a teenager. The 1984 Anti Sikh riots , the visit to Kashmir with my dad in '88 , the rising militancy in Punjab and the Afghan war. All these events coupled with my growing Bollywood fascination , I wrote this story at the age of 14 . I called it "In the Shadow of the Sun."
7 years later, while in college, I sat up one night in my hostel room and after a split second thought..I rewrote this story and finished it with a changed title and a slighlty modified plot. The theme and the spirit remained intact.

Here 's a brief review done by one of my readers :

" A story of a man and his family’s destiny and fate ,valour and courage, separation and distance in real life crises and incidents that the nation witnesses starting from the ’84 riots ,the militancy in Punjab , the terrorism in Kashmir to the Bombay blasts , the Indo-Pak conflict to the attack on the Indian Parliament on 13th December, 2001.

The story of Kartar Singh whose father dies in the ’71 war with Pakistan at Longewala and later on his mother succumbs to her prolonged illness. He grows from this tragedy to become an Army officer and later falls in love with a flood victim in Assam where he is sent for rescue operations in 1974 and marries her despite her handicapped ness. He is blessed with 2 sons- Avatar and later Kirat.

1984 Anti-Sikh Riots , Delhi : His younger son Kirat .aged 5,becomes a victim of the riots when his hair are cut and he is lost in the chaos while elder son Avtar, aged 8 ,shows courage and braves resistance to part with his identity . The family of Kartar grows from the crises and Avtar follows the family’s tradition and later joins Army.

1989:Kartar Singh is posted in the Kashmir valley and soon heads many anti terrorism operations to win accolades and is promoted to the rank of Major..

1994: The terrorism in Kashmir is at its peak and during one of his counter operations, his unit of 10 commandoes along with him are found to be lost in the mountains. Many search operations are spearheaded but no track is found. His brother ,a Colonel in the Army decides to shift Kartar’s wife to his native town in Punjab . Another tragedy strikes when the train in which they are traveling is derailed and falls down a bridge. Around 800 people die and this family is scattered again.
Avtar becomes a top Army commando and becomes a renowned young and intelligent Army cop known for his bravado and counter urgency measures and split second decisions . He displays his skills during various National crises and is called the true descendent of Major Kartar Singh. He is called the Anti-Terror Don for the way he dealt with terrorists and the Punjab militants.
2001: The Indian Parliament is attacked and Avtar is commissioned to help nab the Masterminds .He works with the Intelligence agencies and travels to Srinagar to counter another militant attack .The plan is foiled when the whole operation turns oppressive and one of the militants makes a lady reporter hostage and escapes and leaves behind a bloody trail.
Avtar tries a chase but to no avail as the hostage is taken across the LOC.

Now the story grows into a conflict between the two nations or rather a conflict between two brothers! Yes , the militant who escapes with the hostage turns out to be Kirat alias Maqbool Hussain who after the “84 riots was abducted by a Muslim Fundamentalist and brought to Pakistan’s ISI and later joins a Fidayeen group responsible for attack on the Indian Parliament.
So now a mislead brother and another, an Army commando ,become each other’s greatest foes though they are still unaware of this fact.
The later part of the story deals with more complex twists and events which literally grow on the reader and makes this tale one of the greatest accounts of blood of this soil.
There is a gripping account of the’ love through hate’ relation that develops between the Hostage ,reporter Sheena Mehra and Kirat alias Maqbool .Sheena with her human touch tries to bring an insight into Kirat’s Physcology . Through her daring effort she braves the hostile Pakistan camp in which she is kept and actually finds out the track of 11 Army men who are also imprisoned in that camp since last 8 years and thought to be dead by the Indian Army – Major Kartar Singh and his 10 unit men!! Alive in those inhospitable confines!

Well , this is the longest story written by Sumranjot that he took even longer time to finish – almost 7 years! And he deserves an equally long and big pat on the back for his commendable effort . The reader almost travels through the 20 year period and makes each year count for it!
A very emotional, gripping, enchanting , incredible stuff that proves that he is master of storytelling who can handle drama and fiction, action and romance , patriotism and Controversial nationalistic issues, war and peace , love and hate with equal ease!
And ‘ sons of the soil ‘ finishes with more than one message .
Never say die and the spirit to survive! "


The Screeming Winds

The Kargil War, was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999. The pictures and stories published in the newspapers and magazines drove me to a point to write my own story about the whole conflict. I drew inspiration from my self opinion and the moving tales of war -heroes.

One of my most diffcult writings, this one is quite quite special:

A brief review :

The war in Kargil is on and bodies of dead soldiers are being brought from the war ravaged sectors to be delivered to their Kith and kin. A freelance journalist Amit Pandey hired by a current affairs magazine travels along these carriages to cover the agony the families suffer on receiving their dead sons, husbands ,brothers or friends.The coverage by the journo earns him a chance to travel to the heart of the war and report the apathy of the warriors and the people .

Amidst the war zone, the reporter lands in the Kargil and Drass sectors and finds a whole conglomerate of journalists,cameramans,TV correspondents and other crews braving the chilly winds to cover first hand reportage. Amongst this crowd is the most daring young lady Anjali Bhatt out to be the first amongst the first. Her brattiest and egoistic nature has made her envy of all . Amit with his enigmatic background of an dropout Army Cadet, a novelist, a photographer and then a freelancer and now a War reporter becomes a source of competition for Anjali who thinks this war reportage is a chance for her to become the best of the best. A strong war of words begins between the overconfident Anjali and the brooding and serious no-nonsense Amit.

Amit is determined to stick to his task and brave every difficulty to reach to the core of the common people ‘s heart and bring their opinion out to the world and show it to the world that the real sufferers of the political and military chaos over the Kashmir dispute are the ordinary man – the man who makes tea in his shabby tea stall at those heights , the man who cuts wood , the small boy who ferries fruit baskets, the herdsmen and their families who never sleep for the fear of a bomb and shell looms large .

The story brings the real coverage of the war alive with accounts of such heart pinching and terribly ironical and tragic travails from the battle scenes and from the life of the people of the valley. The story differs from any similar repots and coverage in magazines and TV on the very ground it relates to and makes a stronger and bolder point in every sense and measure in the form of Amit Pandey ‘s trail.

The later and best part of the story deals with the capturing of the Tiger Hill . A perfect docu-drama wherein Anjali Bhatt is irrepressible and upfront to beat all others as she dares to go where nobody has ever thought of, albeit a dangerous move she decides with her cameraman.

The whole episode of the Tiger Hill is dealt brilliantly wherein Amit Pandey reverses his desires and takes charge while the brave Soldiers fight out the most horrible battle. More intense and bone chilling scenes make the reader sit and ponder over the issue all in all.

The Screaming Winds is a” out of the war and into it” account of a man who is an Indian , a soldier, a Kasmiri later but a human first and there is where it scores above all when Amit returns with a broken leg, Anjali resigns from her job and a soldier shoots himself after he incidentally kills a young boy. It says it all when Amit writes that the winds of the valley still scream.With the sounds of gunfire .

The HomoSapein

This story I wrote when I was 15. Inspired by history and science, I made my foray into a true blue science fiction .

A brief review:

From the past to the Future. The story of the greatest survival. A man blessed to live as long as his desire or till the end of mankind. So what if the desire never ends? Unleashing Wildest instincts and fathomless power , the evil mind sets to conquer one tribe after the other, one civilization after the other for hundreds of years until in the year 1015 A.D ,he encounters resistance. Another man who can match his strength , his power and fight the strike from capturing his land. A bloody battle envisages for six long years until the two men are wounded to the extent that they lose all power and strength . Both retreat into a sort of temporary dead state and wait until the day one will rise to finish the other.

And the wait ends in the year 2021 A.D. A futuristic city built over the land where once the battle was fought a thousand years ago. A group of youngsters uncover one of the man from the past in a state reduced to a mere skeleton. After the initial shock , amazement and confusion ,the two guys (both students of Bio-technology )decide to bring the body back to life as they discover the man’s heart and brain still intact!Hi-tech technology, medical science, DNA advancement : the science of the future succeeds in bringing a man from the past back to life after giving him a new structure ,a new look and a new face.

Comical and humorous situations develop as the guys try to train the Man to cope with the life of the future. Perfectly trained the Man called Mr. X learns to dine, drink, play screen games, ride bikes and drive fast cars- he becomes the Tech- savvy man of the Future.The story takes a high tide as the city witnesses a spate of mysterious murders, mass killings, accidents and it becomes a nightmare to even walk on the streets. The police are clueless . The Wild Man has arisen !Mr. X has a memory that dates back to the 11th century and he is the one who recognizes his last rival. The fight to the finish starts as the true homosapiens vow to end the thousand year old battle.

The thriller of all thrillers begins till an enthralling climax which promises a scope for a sequel.

The Vision

The story I started writing when I was 13 years old and finsihed when I was 18.

A brief review of the story :

1942 .Undivided Punjab. A young lad of 13 writes a book which predicts India’s freedom and the partition. He becomes a sensation overnight as the book shocks the British Govt. The book is banned and orders are given to arrest the young author who becomes a subject of controversy as his predictions run true. For 5 long years there is a game of hide and seek as Britishers fail to catch him.
And during the partition the boy is lost forever with his sole book in 1947.

The boy’s story becomes a legend thereafter and he is remembered by the world as 20th century ‘s young Nostradamus .

50 years later.1997. As the nation celebrates it 50th freedom anniversary , the original handwritten book is unearthed in a small town in Punjab province of Pakistan. A series of controversies start as the twin nations claim the original masterpiece. And amidst this, one night, the book housed in a Pakistan Museum disappears..What happens next is a sequence of events that chronicle the life of the young author and the mystery behind his accurate predictions, his disappearance and the controversial book .

A tale of epic proportions and a heart clinching end.